But then one guy who I’d been chatting with for a while told me that he had met someone through his real life social circle and that he would be deleting his dating profile. It bothered me, but everyone did it, so I did it too. When I first started online dating, ghosting was the norm. I live in a small city where there are probably only a few hundred gay men actively using dating apps at any given time. Not like a supernatural phenomenon but a social one. My experience with online dating has convinced me that karma is literally a real thing. Posts that violate these rules but are interesting (a personal vlog from a Tuareg couple, a selfie taken with the Queen, etc.) are encouraged, but subject to removal at discretion. Selfies are restricted to the Me Monday threads unless it a unique life event that fits in with the sub's interests.Trump Content/Spam is a bannable offence.Don't post any personal information without consent.Meta posts to incite conflict or drama will be removed.Come with a thick skin and sense of humor.Message the moderators to add your event once you have the date and location finalized and a post created for us to link to. Our subscribers have hosted social meet-ups all around the world. We come together around shared interests like sports, technology, and media. Gaybros is a network built for gay men who aren't confined to a media stereotype.